Let me tell you a small story ,there was a Priest , he always wanted to come to meet a yogi and ask few questions , but because too much work in temple and he was also assisting to King ,so it never happened during working days ,so when he reached 60 years of age and he retired from all his duties, Now he thoughts this is right time to meet a yogi and ask one important question because priest was free from all his duties , He went to mountainn and ask to many people the right location of Great Yogi . People told him about one famous yogi living on top of mountain .He started his journey , on the day 3 He was tired and he wanted to take some rest ,but taking rest was not allowed so he continue walking, finally after 3-4 days he reached to that Yogi . The Yogi was very calm and simple . Priest introduced himself to Yogi , I was very famous priest of a temple and also very close adviser to King, i have deep understanding of many religious scriptures , but i have one question for you which is mystry for me , Yogi smile ,and said please ask your question . Priest ask what is life? Yogi smiled and said life a beautyful flower with too many joy. priest replyed and said not , life is full of challanges , trouble , fight , and crown . Priest said we have taught from beginning . We teach this lesson to king of our terrotory . Yogi replyed, who ever taught this lesson it was their life experience , he must faced troubles , his life was miserable , this is the reason he given this definition to life .But we should understand life is different for different people ,so definition of life can not be same for two people , you must understand , life is beautyful is you feel it is beautyful , life is painful if you feel it is painful .Daily we face few good things and few bad things we ,but it depends upon us , which memory is going to live in our memory , I am not telling you to forget bad things , just learn from every bad things and move on.There can not be any predefined definition for life , it's alwase individual. It's inner thoughts , 90% of your problem not exist in real , it is your thought , you are either thinking about past or future , only 10% problem in present . so thinking about something which happen with you in past will make you bitter .So everything in your mind . You need to learn to control your mind .f situation around us is unpleasant you become also unpleasant , is it not bad ,we should make our self pleasant. Suppose there are 10 sad people , what you would do , if you are also there ,if you make your face sad ,now sad face number increase to 11 , so you should try to make your face happy to reduce unpleasant environment.Always remember one thing ,tomorrow morning every thing go fine withought you ,do not be serious , seriousness come because we hold our self an important person ,but i wanted you to undestand your self as dust .Few points we need to remeber to stay away from tension .Always remember one thing ,tomorrow morning every thing go fine withought you ,do not be serious , seriousness come because we hold our self an important person ,but i wanted you to undestand your self as dust .Few points we need to remeber to stay away from tension .
1. Sleep eary and wake up early morning
2. Start a morning routine. Dedicate just 20 minutes every morning to yourself, to clear your mind and thoughts and prepare for the journey ahead.
3. Improve your diet. Eat on small intervals , do not eat too much at once ,chew your food do not drink it,
4. Drink plenty of water every day, throughout the day. You should aim for at least 2 liters.