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Friday, November 29, 2019

Introduction on loops in PowerShell by rkp


 Introduction on loops in PowerShell :

We will always need loops if we have something  repetitive  work ,In loop we run a piece
 of code or any statement on a repetitive basis .One real example ,suppose in a school there
 are 20000 students and because of some reason university decided to give 5 marks extra for
 examinations to every student . So the university has decided to give this 5 marks to every
 student except those whose attendance is less than 100 days . Now you just assume how staff
 will do it , they will have to check every student marks and attendance of the year . But Same
 thing with the help of Any loop it could have been done very easily , by creating an array of
 students with their marks and attendance dates .Here by using loop we are able to save extra efforts .
Types of  loops in PowerShell :
There are many ways to run loop in PowerShell , but it always depends on your requirements and
 feasibility of program ,for example if you want to execute at least once for any array than we should
 use do while loop else there are for loop and foreach which are good.Types and their examples are
 given below.


While statement takes a condition as argument and execution of statement inside a while loop depends
 on the condition, that means if condition is success than it will execute statement else not.
    Statement 1
    Statement 2
Example ,
$j = 0 
while($j -lt 10)
    Write-Output $j
    $j++ }
Below is the screen for above code execution ,

Do While

Do while is similar to while loop only difference is it will execute at least once , that means it will execute do block for the first time and while block if condition is true.In the below syntax do block executed for first time for sure .
  • Do :This block execute for first and once when execution
     starts .
  • while : Execution of statement 1 and statement 2 totally
     depends on the success of condition;
Syntax ,
Statement 1
Statement 2
Statement 3
Statement 4
Example 1,
$j = 0
    Write-Output $j 
}while($j -lt 10)
Example 2,
In this example do block will execute for the first time even condition was not true .

$j = 0
    Write-Output $j
}while($j -gt 0)

Below screen for both programs is is given ,

Do Until

Do until is little different than do while , in do until execution will continue till return negative result
 by “until block”.two things are major here.
  • Do :This block will keep executing until block condition get
     failed , that means until block
    return a negative value .
  • until :Do block statement 1 and statement 2 execute until conditions
    return negative results .


    Statement 1
    Statement 2


$i = 0

    Write-Output $i
}until($i -ge 5)

In “do until” block we can see execution of do block will continue till “until block”
condition is returning positive value.

The for statement runs a statement list zero or more times based on an initial setting. 
In the below syntax
 of for loop there are three important sections .
  • Initialisation section : In this section it assigned initial value for any variable ,
     this section runs once for the first time .
  • Condition : In condition parts , we write our condition for which loop will run ,
     that means execution of statement block always depends on the success
     of condition parts, if condition is true than statement block will execute else not .
  • Operation : In this block we can increase , decrease or change the value
     of initialize variable or any things according to our requirements .
for($initialisation; condition; operation)

    Statement 1
    Statement 2
Example 1,
for($i = 0; $i -lt 3; $i++)
    Write-Output $i
Output screen of above code ,

Many times one for loop is not enough to complete our requirements , so we can use nested for loops We should try to avoid nesting of loops as their time complexity may go very high if not handled
 properly .Below is an example of nested for loop .
Example 2,
for($j = 0; $j -lt 3; $j++)
    $line = ''
    for($j = 0; $j -lt 3; $j++)
        $line += $j.ToString() + $j.ToString() + '  '
    Write-Output $line

Output =00  11 22


“Foreach” runs statement blocks for consecutive time till last item of an array .Good things about
 forEach statement is ,we do not have to write any seperate code to extract array of items.
In general “foreach” is a optimized version of “for” loop which giving inner item of array without
 writing any programs .Here ,it simply checks for item inside array on which we are running “foreach” loop if any item is there it will execute statement 1 and statement 2 blocks .
Syntax ,
    Statement 1
    Statement 2
Example ,
$numbers = 23,21,22,78
foreach($number in $numbers)
“$number is now =“ +$number
Below screen show above executions ,

Benefits of loops in PowerShell :

Biggest benefits of using loop is , it reduces too much manual work also it is very good to control
 big size of data for similar type of activity on it. Let’s say I want you to print 1 to 1000000 and I told
 you that you can add 1 to every number divisible by 2 , which is an even number .
Then if you start printing one by one and try to add 1 to every even number it will take too much time .
 So, a better and easy way you suggested was just repeat this process of adding one to the number until
 we reach 1000000. Biggest benefits we are getting from loop is we are reusing the same piece of code,
 we do not required to write the same code for lakhs of data it will automatically execute code till the end.
Below are few points of benefits
  •  Increase code reusability ,which makes code smaller
  •  Faster calculation for big data , saving a lot of manual labor
  •  Redundancy of code is less.
An example with its benefits   , 
Question : print upto 1000 .
Without loop,

Write-Output 1;
Write-Output 2;
Write-Output 3;
Write-Output 4;

…so on
Till 100

With loop,
foreach($y in $x){
Write-Output $y;

To conclude, So we learned that loops are very powerful tool to utilize the same code with less work.

Logical Operators in PowerShell by rkp .

Logical Operators in PowerShell

Introduction to logical operators:

We have seen many conditions in if statement ,

like if($j -lt 10) ,But if we wanted to check multiple conditions at once
,for example $j -lt 10 and $i -lt 15 .So we have logical operators
to tackle these kind of situation. Logical operators combine two
or more expressions and statements together . In very simple words
if we wanted to convert multiple conditions in a single condition
than we can use logical operators .Let us call Logical Operator
with name of LO for syntax .

if(cond1 LO1 cond2  LO2 cond3){
    Statement 1
    Statement 2

So in above syntax (cond1 LO1 cond2 LO2 cond3) combined to
make one condition.In the above syntax
(cond1 LO1 cond2 LO2 cond3)=single condition . As it will return
single value combination of multiple conditions .

Example ,

In this example we are combining three conditions all ,
($a -gt $b) =one condition, (($a -lt 20) -or ($b -lt 20))=one condition by two
combination and ($a -gt $b) -and (($a -lt 20) -or ($b -lt 20)) =one condition,
by a combination of all three we are getting one single condition .
So if all of these conditions will be true then only output
“all combined conditions are true” will be shown .

$a =14
if(($a -gt $b) -and (($a -lt 20) -or ($b -lt 20))
Write-Output “all combined conditions are true”

In this example we are combining three conditions all ,($a -gt $b) =one condition,

(($a -lt 20) -or ($b -lt 20))=one condition,($a -gt $b) -and (($a -lt 20) -or ($b -lt 20)) =one condition,
by a combination of all three we are getting one single condition .
Here we can see we are combining all three conditions to form a single condition , their output will be single .

$a =20
if(($a -gt $b) -and (($a -lt 20) -or ($b -lt 20))
Write-Output “all combined conditions are true”
Write-Output “all combined conditions are false”


List of Logical Operators :

There are 4 main logical operators in PowerShell ,they are “and”, “or”,”xor”,”not=(!)”.
let us discuss each with example in brief .
-and:-and is called as Logical and ,output of any logical and is True if $a and $b are True otherwise False ,below are some examples for logical and operators
$a -and $b //false (if both are false)
$a -and $b //false (if any one of them is false)
$a -and $b //true (if both of them are true).

So basically logical and operator true only when both true . Screen for execution of the above examples

are given below .

In general and operators used were we want all conditions should full fill .
For example suppose In a class teacher decided to allow for exams only
those students whose attendance is more than 100 and also they paid class fee .
So here both conditions need to full fill .

$attendance =101
$paid =”yes”
if($attendance -gt 100 -and $paid -eq “yes”){
Write-Output “Allow him for examination”

We can also test this program by passing different inputs value
of $attendance and $paid .
-or:Logical or ,False if $a and $b are False, otherwise True.
some examples are given below.

$a -or $b //false(if both are false)
$a -or $b //true (if any one of them is true)
$a -or $b //true (if both of them are true).

So basically logical and operator false only when both false . Screen for execution of the above examples are given below .

In general or operators are used when we want to consider any condition is true .like students having attendance more than 100 will get 5 marks extra or
the student who score more than 200 marks .

$attendance =101
$marks =201
if($attendance -gt 100 -or $marks -gt 200){
Write-Output “give 5 marks extra”

We can also test this program by passing different inputs value of

$attendance and $paid .
-xor:Logical exclusive or ,
True if either $a or $b is True,otherwise False.
(‘a’ -eq ‘A’) -xor (‘a’ -eq ‘z’) //true as one of them is true
(‘a’ -eq ‘A’) -xor (‘Z’ -eq ‘z’)//false as one of them is false
(‘a’ -eq ‘s’) -xor (‘Z’ -eq ‘p’) //false as both of them are false
Below screen show output of the above example ,

-not:Logical not ,True if $a is False, otherwise False.
-not (‘a’ -eq ‘a’) //false as output of expression is true
-not (‘v’ -eq ‘a’)// true as output expression is false
-not (‘v’ -eq ‘V’) //false as output expression is true
-not (‘V’ -eq ‘V1’) //true as output expression is false
Screen for above example is given below ,

!:! Operator is same as that of the the -not operator .
Simply ! operator converts true to false and false to true .

!(‘a’ -eq ‘a’) //false as output of expression is true
!(‘v’ -eq ‘a’)// true as output expression is false
!(‘v’ -eq ‘V’) //false as output expression is true
!(‘V’ -eq ‘V1’) //true as output expression is false

Screen for above example is given below ,

Note :In PowerShell always use $TRUE and $FALSE for true and false value ,
if you will use true and false they will not consider as Boolean value .

$a =false

!$a //true
!($b) //true
!($a) //true
!($b) //false

Screen for above example is given below,

Some real world examples with mixing all operators together ,
Suppose our server and database is running and we want
implements certain check were it will check all the time if server
and database are running or not .

if($server -eq “running” -and $database -eq “running”){
Write-Output “server is running and database is running”
}elseif($server -eq “not running” -and $database -eq “running”){
Write-Output “server is not running and database running
}elseif($server -eq “running” -and $database -eq “not running”){
Write-Output “server is running and database not running”
Write-Output “server and database both are not running”

1st input:
$server =”not running”;
$database =”running”
2ND input:
$server =”running”;
$database =”not running”

To conclude, Without logical operator our programing will be blank ,

because of logical operators only we are able to write situational code ,

we are able to deal with different conditions.

Git branching strategy and solutions to branch merging issue .

Git common problems and their solutions :

Git strategy

Branching Strategies:
If you want to have a smooth development cycle than you must have a good branching Strategies. A good Branching strategies helps team to develop their codes without any conflicts and while pushing for release  . Changes to the branch don't affect other developers until the developer or team has tested the changes and decides to merge the code. Developers can still pull down changes from other developers to collaborate on features and ensure their private branch doesn’t diverge too far from the main code line. different organizations uses different branching strategies  but there are few very frequent way to do branching , they are given below .
  1. No branching Strategies:In this case there will not be any branch all developers will work on the same central repository and they can merge their branches with central branches after proper testing.This type of strategies mostly followed in smaller team were internal testing is very good and all developers are working in sync .

    For any larger team this strategies will work very well , because if any bug and issue will be there in any merge it will be very hard to fixed it and find the proper solution for it . Many time it take too much time to release a small feature . Any larger team or team which seats globally should avoid this strategies .
  2.  Release Branching: This strategies is most common , in this strategies there will be a release branch taken from live branch that may be master branch , and all developers will work on this branch till next release . Only problem with this branch if scrum go longer than two week than it will be very hard to manage .We should only go with if we have very smaller release and scrum should be of 2 week maximum .
    This strategy is most commonly used in waterfall and Scrummerfall development processes.
  3. Feature Branching:This branching strategies are very good for faster and smoother development cycles . In this every developers makes a branch with name of their feature for example user_name , and once testing done with this branch developer can merge their branches with master branch.Again if proper understanding not maintained during development this strategies can also be go like Release branching , if time for release go very longer and changes are getting bigger and bigger.
  4. Story or Task Branching:In this every branch is associated with a task on id , which means managers can divide story into multiple branches and can with associate each branch with some task of any big story.In this strategies managers can release very frequently as he can divide task into smallest part and can assign this task to some branch . These branches are completely independent of other task so can be independently releases .
 Merging Strategies
  1. Merging is very important in git , as many time because of code conflict features did not reflect properly and testers keep blaming , and this could lead to delay in already developed features .merging can be done by mutual code review .Many organization try to make more and more repose and smaller code as in such situations there are very less possibility for code conflict .In some cases developers keep updating their work within the team  so that others will aware of upcoming conflict.

  2. Some basic tricks to merge branches and code:
    1.  Suppose there are many commits  on the branch which we are planning to merge and many of the commits are not clear .
      Solution .we can use cherry pick also in cherry pick we go to the git commit logs and select the the commit id’s and merge those id’s with with branch.
      Let's take an example,
      Master branch =>master
      Feature branch=>feature_branch
      Git checkout feature_branch
      git log --author="Jon"
      Here we are looking at each commit of user Jon and we can ask him to which commit need to go live and which one not .
      Next things we need to do cherry-pick
      git checkout master
      Git cherry-pick Log1_id
      Git cherry_pick Log2_id
      And here we have merged two logs.

Monday, November 25, 2019

एयर इंडिया, बीपीसीएल और अन्य कंपनी के निजीकरण का विश्लेषण।

एयर इंडिया, बीपीसीएल और अन्य कंपनी के निजीकरण का विश्लेषण।

नमस्कार दोस्तों, कैसे हो आप ।
आज हम सरकारी संगठनों के निजीकरण पर चर्चा करने जा रहे हैं। निजीकरण के दो पक्ष हैं, एक अच्छा है और दूसरा बुरा है। आइए हम पहले अच्छी चीजों के बारे में चर्चा करें।

निजीकरण के बारे में अच्छी बातें: 
सरकारी कंपनी के निजीकरण के बारे में कुछ अच्छी बातें। अंक नीचे दिए गए हैं।

  • हम जानते हैं कि किसी भी निजी कंपनी का मुख्य उद्देश्य लाभ कमाना है, क्योंकि अगर उन्हें लाभ मिलेगा, तो वे अपने कर्मचारी को वेतन का भुगतान कर सकते हैं, इसलिए वे सभी सरकारी कंपनी जो अच्छा नहीं कर रही हैं, अच्छा प्रदर्शन करना शुरू कर देंगी क्योंकि कंपनी का कर्मचारी गंभीर होगा,
    क्योंकि वे तेजी से निर्णय लेते हैं और कर्मचारियों द्वारा कोई रिश्वत नहीं ली जाएगी।
  • उदाहरण के लिए, DR-DO की कई परियोजनाएँ विफल हो गई हैं। जापान रेलवे का एक उदाहरण लें, उन्होंने उचित नियोजन के साथ अपने रेलवे को निजी बनाया और उन्होंने अपने रेलवे को ज़ोन का आधार वितरित किया और साथ ही उनके पास बहुत सख्त कानून हैं, ताकि कीमतें न्यूनतम हों और गरीब भी कीमत चुका सकें।
  • सरकारी संगठन में लोग आलसी होते हैं क्योंकि उन्हें पता होता है कि कोई उन्हें नौकरी से नहीं निकाल सकता है। यदि संगठन अच्छा प्रदर्शन नहीं कर रहा है और पैसा नहीं कमा रहा है तो भी सरकार अन्य निजी कर्मचारियों से टैक्स लेकर उन्हें भुगतान करेगी। इसलिए वे कुछ पूरा करने के लिए बहुत प्रयास नहीं करते हैं।
  • निजीकरण का मुख्य लक्ष्य कंपनियों के बीच एक प्रतिस्पर्धात्मक वातावरण स्थापित करना है और हम जानते हैं कि प्रतियोगिताओं की वजह से कीमत कम होगी और सेवाओं में वृद्धि होगी। क्योंकि हर एक बेहतर सेवा देने की कोशिश करेगा और इस दृष्टिकोण में प्रत्येक कंपनी के पास शीर्ष और सर्वश्रेष्ठ प्रौद्योगिकी होगी। और इसलिए अन्य देश उस कंपनी से भी उत्पाद खरीदना पसंद करेंगे।

निजीकरण के बारे में बुरी बातें:
कुछ नकारात्मक बातें भी हैं अगर हम सभी सरकारी कंपनी को निजी बनाते हैं। अंक नीचे दिए गए हैं।
  • प्रत्येक सरकारी कंपनी को निजी के रूप में बनाना एक कंपनी का एकाधिकार (पूरी तरह से सब कुछ का मालिक) बना सकता है और वे लाभ के लिए कोई भी निर्णय ले सकते हैं, क्योंकि लाभ कमाना उनका मुख्य लक्ष्य है, इसलिए वे गरीबों की परवाह नहीं करेंगे।
  • एक सबसे अच्छा उदाहरण यूके रेलवे है, यूके में उन्होंने अपने रेलवे को निजी बना दिया लेकिन यह कई कंपनी द्वारा किया गया है, कुछ कंपनी के पास ट्रैक सिस्टम है और कुछ कंपनी के पास कैटरिंग सिस्टम है और कुछ कंपनी के कुछ और हिस्से हैं।इसलिए मूल रूप से, एक कंपनी द्वारा खुद के बजाय यह कई कंपनियों द्वारा वितरित तरीके से खुद का था। इस वजह से चीजें पूरी तरह से असंगठित हो गईं और टिकट की कीमत बहुत अधिक हो गई। इसके बाद सरकार ने उच्च कर ले कर रियायती मूल्य लिया जो फिर से मध्यम वर्ग के लोगों के लिए बोझ बन गया क्योंकि उन्हें उच्च कर का भुगतान करना पड़ता है ताकि सरकार रेलवे को इसका भुगतान कर सके और गरीब भी रेल सेवाओं का वहन कर सके।
  • छोटी कंपनी और स्टार्टअप के बीच प्रतिस्पर्धा संभव हो सकती है, यह इंडियन ऑयल या इंडियन रेलवे या ISRO के लिए संभव नहीं हो सकता है। यह बहुत ही सरल है। आपको लगता है कि कोई भी भारतीय रेलवे को टक्कर देगा? कोई भी नहीं। केवल एक ही निवेश करेगा। केवल एक को ही लाभ मिलेगा। हम इतनी बड़ी सरकारी कंपनी के बीच प्रतिस्पर्धा पैदा नहीं कर सकते।
  • मान लीजिए कल अगर सरकार चिकित्सा क्षेत्र का निजीकरण कर देगी, तो गरीब लोगों के लिए इलाज कराना बहुत मुश्किल हो जाएगा क्योंकि हम जानते हैं कि निजी अस्पताल केवल कमाई के लिए यहां हैं और गरीब इलाज के लिए अस्पतालों द्वारा मांगी गई कीमतों का भुगतान करने में सक्षम नहीं हैं। केवल अमीर लोगों को इलाज मिलेगा।

Analysis of Privatization of Air India, BPCL and other company .

Analysis of Privatization of Air India, BPCL and other company .

Hello friends how are you .Today we are going to discuss privatization of government organizations .There are two sides of privatization , one is good and another is bad . Let us first discuss about good things .

Good things about privatization:
There some good things about privatization of Government company . The points are listen below.

  • We know that main motive of any private company to create profit,because if they will get profit then only they can pay to their employee , so all those government company which are not doing well will start performing well because employee of company will be serious ,because they take fast decisions and there will not be any bribe taken by staffs .
  • For example, Many projects of DR-DO has failed. Take an example of Japan railway , they made their railway private with proper planing and they distributed zone basis to their railway and also they have very strict law ,so that prices are minimal and poor can also pay the price . 
  • In Government organization people are lazy because they know no one can fire them from job .In case the organization is not performing well also and not earning money still government will pay them by taking tax from other private employee. So they do not put too much efforts to complete something .
  • Main goal of privatization is to establish a competitive environment among companies and we know  because of competitions price will reduce and  services will increased.Because every one will try to give better services and in this approach every company will have top and best technology.And hence other country will prefer to buy the products from that company also.

Bad things about privatization:
There are some Negative things also if we make all government company as private. The points are listen below.

  • Making every government company as the Private can create a monopoly(completely owner of everything) of one company and they can take any decisions for profit, as earning profit is their main goal so they will not care for poor .
  • A best example is UK railway , In UK they made their railway as private but it has been done by many company , some company owned Track system some company owned Catering system and few company taken few more parts.So basically ,instead of own by one company it was own by many companies in distributed way. because of this things got totally unorganized and price of ticket got too high . After that government subsidized price by taking high tax which again become burden for the middle class people as they have to pay high tax so that government can pay it to railway and poor can also afford train services .
  •  Competition  can be possible between  small company and startups , it can not be possible for Indian Oil or Indian Railway or ISRO  .Why?Its very simple do you  think any one will compete to the Indian railway?no one .So only one will invest and only one will get profit  .Hence we can not create competition between Such big Government company.
  • Suppose tomorrow if Government will privatized Medical sector ,then for poor people it will be very hard to get treatment as we know private hospitals are only here for earning and poor can not be able to pay  the prices  asked by hospitals for treatment  .Hence only rich people will get treatment.

What is site map and how sitemap works in Websites. Basics?

Introduction :

Site map is a very important things for any websites .If any one of you want to see how it looks like go to any website(amazon ,flipcart etc) and check for the URLS , here you can write amazon ,flip cart instead of xyz etc . So basically Site map is very important and powerful software technology for any search engine .A sitemap is a XML file placed on your website in which we mansion about various pages of our websites, generally those pages which are mostly search by customer . So for example if your website is and you are selling books with different different categories than there could be multiple URLs like,  So all these URLs need to be mansion inside sitemap.xml file .Here indexed means informing search engine (google or yahoo) about our website pages ,so that they get easily searched. Search engines use sitemaps to understand our site and its architecture, while web users can utilize them to quickly find specific pages on your site.example of any sitemap is given blow sitemap.xml which holds urls like, etc.

Why we need Site map? 
If you are running any online eCommerce or any educational or anything which is made for public uses than you need to have better sitemap. Because same business is run by other people and is some customer search for any product than if you have better sitemap indexing than there are very huge possibility for your product get sells .
So simply if you want to increase your chances to get more customer you need to have better site map and indexing .
How Site map Works?
By writing sitemap.XML file we are allowing webmaster to inform search engine(google and yahoo) about URLs on the website that are available for crawling .In very simple word a site map is a XML fie which contains all index-able URLs for the site .This allow search engine to understand how important URLs and hoe frequently these URLs get changed . You can see site map for any website on file .

One important point, writing sitemap.xml and putting our URLs here does not means indexing done , here we are just giving little clue to google about our important and good quality pages so that google will find it easy to reveal to customers.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Power Shell introduction and if condition lesson 1.

Introduction : PowerShell is a way to write Administrative commands on Windows environments , it is similar to bash scripting in Linux .It provides a way to automate the Windows operating system and its applications to deal with various tasks .PowerShell is available for both Windows and Linux operating systems, but in this tutorial we are focusing toward windows . In the below image we can see how Powershell controls all Automation works.

if statement in PowerShell

Introduction: The if statement allows the programmer to control the flow of execution of program ,”IF” statement defines if a program has to execute a section of code or not , based on whether a given condition expression is correct or not .Here correct in programming terms  true or false. One of the main uses of if statement it allow program to take decision on the basis of one or more conditions. An if statement is based on the boolean value , if the boolean condition value is true than inside the if block and execute the lines of statements inside if block .In another simple word , To execute any statements  it has to test one or multiple conditions if conditions are true it will execute the statement . “If” statement needed when we wanted to check any specific case.
Syntax : 
Syntax of if in PowerShell is very much similar to other programming languages . It checks for condition ,if the condition expression is true it will got to if block , if the condition expression is false it will go to else .

if(condition) {

   // Executes when the condition is true

}else {

   // Executes when the condition is false


We can also use elseif , syntax below.

if(condition 1) {

   // Executes when the condition 1 is true

}elseif(condition 2) {

   // Executes when the condition 2 is true

}elseif(condition 3) {

   // Executes when the condition 3 is true

}else {

   // Executes none of the condition is true.


Flow diagram : 
In the below flow diagram we can see when execution start , it first checks condition if condition is true than it will go to statement block .Here conditions can be one or multiple . Any condition other than zero , false , blank are considered as true only .for example if any conditional expression gives output of 0,”” , false all these are considered as false statements .

How if statement in PowerShell:
if (<cond1>)


[elseif (<cond2>)



Here, when it starts execution it checks for cond1 as if  it is true or false , based on the value it will execute the statement block , if cond1 is true it will execute statement1 and PowerShell exit. But if cond1 is false , then it will check else if block cond2 ,if cond2 is true than statement2 will be executed .If cond1 and cond2 both are false or none of condition is true than else statement will be executed .

Condition can be one or multiple, for example .
if (<condition 1 -or condition 2>)


[elseif (<condition 3 -or condition 4>)




Examples :
Simple if else example,
$x = 40

if($x -le 20){

write-host("value of x is not less than 20")


write-host(“value of x is greater than 20”)


Output:  value of x is greater than 20

Explanation : Above code is checking the value of $x , if it is less than 20 or not , if value of $x is less than 20 it will execute if statement block .

Example with Multiple conditions ,

$day = (get-date).dayofweek

if(($day -ne "Saturday") -or ($day -ne "Sunday")){

write-host("Welcome to Our Banks")


write-host(“Hello friends , Banks are closed today”)


Explanation : Above code will print output according to day .Here -ne matches case the value of $day , so if day is Sunday or Saturday , it will print  "Hello friends , Banks are closed today" and if it’s other than Sunday and Saturday it will print “Welcome to Our Banks”.
Example with if else if conditions ,
$occupation =”engineering”

if($occupation -eq "engineering"){


}elseif($occupation -eq "sales"){





Explanation: In the above code it checks for $occupation value , if it is equal to engineering than print engineering ,if value if $occupation is sales than it will print sales, and if $occupation is none than it will print accounting.

functional based example,

 function check ($VALUE) {

 if ($VALUE) {


 } else {




Calling function ,
check $FALSE


check TRUE //TRUE is a string length >0


check FALSE //FALSE is a String with length > 0.


NOTE:In PowerShell String with length more than zero is considered as true .

Explanation : In the above example first it calls for check function with parameter  $TRUE , and inside function check , it checks for $VALUE and if it is true it will print TRUE , in similar way again check called with parameter $FALSE and it check $VALUE and as it is false it will go to the else block .

With the above example we are clear that if statement can play a very crucial role in real software world .
PowerShell IF is a very powerful tool to handle conditional statements ,I hope I was able to simplify IF in PowerShell.