What is ultimate goal of life |
Different different people have different goals according to them , but in general the actual goal of life is happiness , so you may think that i am going to teach you way to live happy life , but not i can only give you some direction for that you need to find your goal by yourself . So we are talking about ultimate goal of life , Let us understand this , have you ever notice a small ant , do you think these ant have also some special purpose or they are just doing anything . We need to understand there is no predefined purpose , suppose today some one tell you purpose of your life then what you will do , you will complete your purpose and rest of life do nothing for whole life . Do you think this is OK. No you will depress .
Things can not happen according to our wish,we should only enjoy life and flow . we must enjoy it , we should put our 100% without thinking about result or success . even we do not get success still we learn a lot and we will get some beautiful memory . Have you ever thought about some of your mistake which you did earlier which looks silly now and you smile little .But if you not tried and not made a mistake ,that same thing will be mystery for you today also.
So by doing mistake and trying something we are opening one mystery for our self. so this trying ,failing ,success and learn should be only purpose of any life . If we make our goal materials we will suffer for whole life, hare material means any physical things like car , big house, money . I am not telling these things are not important , yes we need them ,But these things can not our ultimate goal , our ultimate goal should be our deeper experience of life . Every material (Physical) thing will leave you but your experience of your life will reside in your mind which will give you pleasure always .
have you seen some big rivers ,they are not big from it's start point , many small rivers flow into these rivers then they looks kike a big rivers . In the same way every one is doing their work and every individual work is important.
I will give you few point which should be purpose of our life
- Happiness and have a peace of mind. yes , it can be any profession, if you don't have these two things , you are away from ultimate purpose.
- To achieve satisfactory results.I am telling Satisfactory results it does not mean successful results. Satisfactory , only in terms of your satisfaction. Every thing can not happen according to your wish and you can not make happy to all ,you are doing better this is important. What is am telling is if you are enjoying the process of doing something and the time which you spend on something while doing it was very good , then we can say it was satisfactory .
- Money is important but if you have sufficient money and time then please reach to those who really need it for living . It will give little smile on their face and your as well
- Try to find positive things from every things example ,Krishna shown a dead dog to Arjuna and ask what you can see, Arjuna reply to Krishna that it's a dead dog with rotten body.Krishna ask to Arjuna look it again. Arjuna said it's looks very ugly as it may died 5-6 day's ago. Krishna said see his white teeth , how clean and brightening . and again Krishna said alwase try to find posive and good things in some one
Very informative blog ЁЯШК