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Monday, November 25, 2019

What is site map and how sitemap works in Websites. Basics?

Introduction :

Site map is a very important things for any websites .If any one of you want to see how it looks like go to any website(amazon ,flipcart etc) and check for the URLS , here you can write amazon ,flip cart instead of xyz etc . So basically Site map is very important and powerful software technology for any search engine .A sitemap is a XML file placed on your website in which we mansion about various pages of our websites, generally those pages which are mostly search by customer . So for example if your website is and you are selling books with different different categories than there could be multiple URLs like,  So all these URLs need to be mansion inside sitemap.xml file .Here indexed means informing search engine (google or yahoo) about our website pages ,so that they get easily searched. Search engines use sitemaps to understand our site and its architecture, while web users can utilize them to quickly find specific pages on your site.example of any sitemap is given blow sitemap.xml which holds urls like, etc.

Why we need Site map? 
If you are running any online eCommerce or any educational or anything which is made for public uses than you need to have better sitemap. Because same business is run by other people and is some customer search for any product than if you have better sitemap indexing than there are very huge possibility for your product get sells .
So simply if you want to increase your chances to get more customer you need to have better site map and indexing .
How Site map Works?
By writing sitemap.XML file we are allowing webmaster to inform search engine(google and yahoo) about URLs on the website that are available for crawling .In very simple word a site map is a XML fie which contains all index-able URLs for the site .This allow search engine to understand how important URLs and hoe frequently these URLs get changed . You can see site map for any website on file .

One important point, writing sitemap.xml and putting our URLs here does not means indexing done , here we are just giving little clue to google about our important and good quality pages so that google will find it easy to reveal to customers.

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