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Thursday, April 25, 2019

Hindu mythology that prove the existence of scientific theories in ancient times?

Hindu mythology and Science in It
  1. Do not cut nails here and there and throw it here and there, you have heard this from from your grand parents says many times, actually when you cut your nails and throw it here and there than there are very huge possibility that some birds can eat them as they looks very similar to seeds , but we no nails can not be digested by them and they can die.
  2. Many times you have seen peoples when they are going through train and if any  holy rivers like Ganga came in their way they start throwing coins into rivers. So there is very scientific reason behind it, almost 500-600 years ago we used to have brass or copper coins and these are very good to keep water clean .So during those days people used to throw these coins ,but now we know we have steel coins, which people still throwing in water.
  3. You know Pandit Ji , who is forecasting your today future and or solution of your life problem by looking at 9 planet locations in solar system .There are several scientific facts behind this also.According to position of planets gravitational power also vary ,and it can solved by using right kind of materials , like Pandit Ji ask you to wear brass or some kind of ring in your fingers.It also prove that they knew about solar planet system even 2000 years ago, so most have some technology for it.
  4. you must know about holy basil ,we have seen every one keeping holy basil tree in their houses ,it is very age old tradition in India ,Hindus consider holy basil as a god but there are many scientific facts about it , it contains vitamin A and C , calcium , zinc ,iron , chlorophyll.It Reduces Fever ,it helps with Treatment of Asthma,Prevents Lung Disorders,Dental Care,Relieves Headache etc .They knew these facts for thousand years.How cool it is.
  5. You have seen bell inside temple. According to Agama Sastra, the bell is used to give sound for keeping evil forces away and the ring of the bell is pleasant to God.Scientific facts , The moment we ring the bell, it produces a sharp and enduring sound which lasts for minimum of 7 seconds in echo mode. The duration of echo is good enough to activate all the seven healing centres in our body. This emptying our brain from all negative thoughts.Simply it activate our brain.
  6. Why you should not to sleep with Your Head towards North,Myth is that , if one sleep with his or her head towards north than he or she attracts ghost and negative powers, but truth is , our body’s magnetic field become completely asymmetrical to the Earth’s Magnetic field .It increase blood pressure and heart need to work faster in order to overcome asymmetrical issue. Our blood has some iron in it ,When we sleep in this position, iron from the whole body starts to congregate in brain. This can cause headache, Alzheimer’s Disease, Cognitive Decline.

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