Why is India lacking or bad performance |
Hello friends , today we are going to discuss a topic which has been very much ignored by us, Why is India lacking in national level sports?Look a very important reason is our administrative department ,they always ignored these players . I will tell you one real example of it . A recent example, when the Indian National Shooting team returned from the 2017 Cyprus World Cup. Upon returning to India, the team was stop up by Airport authority for 12 hours at the Indira Gandhi Airport in Delhi. 12 hours! is it not sound very bad ,The team included some of our nation’s top shooters such as Olympians Kynan Chenai and Gurpreet Singh. Reason was they were in suspect because they had guns , and we know they were national shooter . Now you can think after 12 hours some Sports management arrived and resolved this issue , this is a huge blow on their self-esteem .This was one example how our sports players are treated in India . Now if we talk about their issues so they are many like , Financial issue, Players should get some money on regular basis , rifle shooter Abhinav Bindra was the first Indian athlete to have ever won an individual Gold at the Olympics. Upon his historic achievement he was awarded prizes worth a total of 1.75 Crore by various governmental organisations. However, in the years leading up to the Olympics, Abhinav was provided almost no support by the government and his family had to bear almost the entire cost of his training. Abhinav wrote in his biography , that as he belongs from some privileged family ,that's why he was able to spend money . But do you think every Indian can spend this much of money on their sports? no not at all .Even though they are very good at their sports ,they need money to go upto national level. One another reason Poor support staff .During the Rio Olympics Indian runner OP Jaisha said that she was about to die because Indian support staff forgot to be provide water at the designated stalls during the 8 kilometre race . People mostly watch Cricket in India, so if a Person is Hockey player in Indian team ,he is not a successful sports man, but in Cricket one can be consider as a successful even on state level , reason is clear people watch only cricket so cricket players get better popularity than any other sports . And they get some private works like giving adds for any company or doing advertisement for any brands. Parents are very less aware about sports , most of parents consider sports as waste of time ,also most of schools do not have more sports sessions.Very less child have a dream of becoming a sportsman , either they think of scientist ,engineer , doctor ,business man etc . They never think sports as their future , government is also responsible for such kind of thinking .
Even business is considered headache primarily by parents.
ReplyDeleteyes , you are right, every one can not be in business , but at least capable should get better encouragement .please more people to give their feedback