Why is emergency declared in Sri Lanka |
Hello friends , so today we are going to discussed about emergency in Sri Lanka ,we will also discuss conflict between muslims and Buddhist community .I am requesting all of you please do not give any wrong comment on any religion , as we all are educated and we are discussing problems.So what happens on 21 April Easter Sunday around 300 people died because of suicide bomb blast. Government has cleared who was responsible for this attacks ,According to Government sources, it was National Thoheeth Jamate (Islamic group), with the help of International militants .After this a big fear among the muslim community living in Sri Lanka can be seen .On 6 March 2019 Sri Lanka Government call for emergency ,so it was not because of suicide bomb on 21 April . There was some seperate issue was going on between Muslim and Buddhist community in Sri Lanka. Actually there was a truck accident in Kendy city of Sri Lanka ,Truck Driver was the man from the majority Sinhales community , who was beaten up by mob finally he died . The mob was basically belongs from Muslim community.Now make majority Sinhales community angry and they started fight . Hence Sri Lanka government called for emergency.Now let's Understand why Buddhist ,Gautam Buddha said never take path of violence, you take help of of violence only for your self defence.You have even seen fight between Buddhist and Muslim community in Burma.In Burma Lakhs of Muslims has been killed by Buddhist community . Basically these fights are going on because of certain political party .We have seen increase in these religious fight in 5-10 years.For example in USA Donald Trump comes in Power after giving tough remarks on people coming from other country . Trump pointed to the people coming from Mexico and to the Muslim community.In the same way there are various crime against Ahmadiyya muslim community in Pakistan . Many Pakistani Political party pointed to Minority . Same policy has been adopted by many political parties in the world .People are basically in fear of number games .They are thinking if their number get decreased then tomorrow they may be minority and they required to live in fear. And this fear are install inside people mind by political party .I have seen a normal person who are trying to full fill his or her family need never thinks about these thinks .I am requesting to people , do not give vote any person ,who are fighting election on the basis of any religious believes .And one more important things respect all religion , try to create space for other religion to enjoy their culture . Do not try to teach others about your religion believes . Let them enjoy their cultures.
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