Burning dead body In Hinduism |
Hello friends , today we are going to discuss a very known topic, which is, why Hindu burn body after death where in most of other religion they buried.There are three aspect of it, scientific , geographical and spiritual . Let's first discuss geographic reason .If we see carefully all the religion in the world like Christianity and Islam then we will find they originated from desert area .example, Jerusalem is one of the oldest cities in the world, and is considered holy to the three major Abrahamic religions—Judaism, Christianity, and Islam .And Jerusalem is a desert area. So you can assume what people will do when some one die , obviously they will buried their dead body .Hence, people who belongs from that religion will buried their dead body .If we talk about India, India is completely forest area and there are abundance of woods. So we can understand they can easily effort wood for burning dead body.From scientific point of view both burning and burring are not nature friendly ,in case of burning there are air pollution and in case of burring there are soil pollution ,burning is cheaper as compare to buried the dead body. Spiritual reasons ,In Hinduism body is just a dress ,so any old or young person die they burn their body.As old or young person has huge attachment with their body ,but when any Yogi or child die they are buried as they have less attachment from their body .Another reason for preferring cremation is to produce a feeling of detachment in the freshly disembodied subtle body and to encourage it to pass on, rather than hover around loved ones. Moreover, Hindus, out of respect for the dead, did not want to leave the bodies around to be consumed by vultures and other animals.Cremation helps in not wasting the land as there is a practice of planting seeds to make sure the agricultural land is not wasted.Soil in India is wet type and have more water content in them.When bodies are buried , the bodily fluids come out and certainly mix with the water inside the soil , affecting the drinking sources etc. This leads to spread of diseases.According to Islamic belief, their god Allah will resurrect all dead bodies from the graves on judgment day and send them to heaven to enjoy all kinds of accessories. If they cremate the body then there will be no body for Allah to resurrect so they believe that they should not cremate the dead. They consider body belongs to god and burning it is disrespectful.
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