Indian mythology |
Vedas and ancient Indian science theories are often considered as the most advance, as most of the it's incidence and teachings are still correct . World many scientists are mazed with Vedas and ancient Indian theory . Ancient Indian already knew the solar system.you most have heard of hanuman chalisa line
“Yug sahasra yojana par bhanu,leelyo taahi madhura phal jaanu” ,
this line was written by tulsi das thousand years ago , and it means
1 Yuga = 12000 years
1 Sahsra Yuga = 12000000 years.
Also, 1 Yojan = 8 miles
So, Yug Sahsra Yojan(the first three words) would mean 12000*12000000*8 = 96000000 miles.
Converting it to kilometers, 96000000 X 1.6 = 153,600,000 kms. Actual distance from earth to sun = 152,000,000 kms(error of around 1%). now think how they know thousand years ago about this facts .Oviously they most have some technology which we do not know .Indus valley civilisation designed the worlds first Underground sanitation system back in 3300–1300 BCE which was adopted by the rest of the world centuries later. They are also the first civilization to create modern sanitation.
Even in Mahabharata there are possibility of use of some kind of nuclear weapons ,In the Mahabharata the total death toll amounts to around 1.6 billion in just 18 days. How could be this possible without using any mass destructive weapons .So they most have some nuclear weapon.But modern science says that it is very much possible. It was said that , Abhimanyu learn the way to cross Chakravyu during gestation.But modern science says that it is very much possible. In his book "Right Brain Education in Infancy" Dr. Makoto Shichida, says, the right brain is active during gestation.
You know about Live Telecast , even you watch Live Telecast Cricket match ,but just before 40 years back it was not possible . But during Mahabharata it was possible ,As Dhritarashtra was blind but wanted to know what is happening on battle field ,so Krishna given Divya Drishti to Sanjay , so that he could see a “Live Telecast” of “Kurukshetra” and describe that to Dhritarashtra.You have hear Ravana was able to fly up with help of his vehicle ,so he must have that technology which we have today .Even you have heard about Ram Setu Pool , that was not any miracle , it was again a kind of Engineering , Nal and Nil was able to design such type of Design .
It was said that in Mahabharata DronaCharya trained Kaurvas and Pandavas during day light but he trained his son Ashvatthama in night , so basically he provide Ashvatthama some kind of weapon which can be operated even in night .The natural question which will come in your mind , if there was so many technology was there during those time , then where all those technology gone ,the ovious answer is , as they have used nuclear weapon during Mahabharat , so all those technology and the who who knew about it , has ended.