Changing jobs frequently is good or bad |
Hello friends , today we are discussing on a very important topic , that is , is it good to change job frequently or bad ? It always depends on situations .So if you are feeling you have nothing new to learn in current company and also you are getting very less hike in current company , than you should change your job . See , there are few disadvantage of changing your jobs frequently . first , every company will thing that you are not loyal person , they may be hire you because they may have some very urgent work , and they may hire you on higher salary , but once that work is over they may kick you out , because people who are working over there for long time on lower salary .Secondly , you will not be able to create a better bonding with your co-workers . 3rd thing, you may learn technology in short period of time but to understand business of your employers you need to pay little more time . As i have said many disadvantage of frequent job changing , now let me tell you few advantage of it .Firstly , if you are changing your jobs early ,you will always have more skills than a person who is working in same company for long time ,you can have double the salary by switching jobs , but with working with same company for long time periods , you will only get some 5 to 10 % of hike in your salary . With all these you have experience of various situation and you have learned better adaptability . If a person works for same company for longer period of time than , Other company may thinks that you may not be getting any other offer that's why you are still working with same company for longer time . So my simple advice to every one change your company if it really needed , if at all you feel that your personal growth is very less and also if you feel your salary is not as per industries standard . Otherwise if all the time if you are thinking about changing company and salary you may lose various skills which you needed to learn.
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