what makes Siddhartha Gautama a great man |
2000 years ago, if some one was powerful then he used to conquer lands , property and humans. Unlike the powerful kings of that time, Siddhartha Gautama conquered hearts and minds of people, because of which we still remember and love him. Lord Budha was a enlighten person . Siddhartha Gautama was born around the year 580 BCE in the village of Lumbini in Nepal. He was born into a royal family,His father was very rich person ,.His father was giving all joy of life to him , so that Siddhartha could live life of family man ,. Siddhartha had never seen any pain , any sorrow . Siddhartha was not aware of old ,suffering ,sickness . Because Siddhartha father knew if he will see any things like this in his life he may leave family or king life . So one day after married when first time he saw old person , sick person and suffering person he decided to leave everything to understand life .This greatly disturbed him, and he learned that sickness, age, and death were the inevitable fate of human beings - a fate no-one could avoid .“I can die happily. I have not kept a single teaching hidden in a closed hand. Everything that is useful for you, I have already given. Be your own guiding light". This was last things Buddha said, when he was leaving his body . Budha always knew the facts that this is a materialistic body , and one day it will lifeless ,so his teaching wa to celebrate your life and spread happiness ,Buddhism is not a religion if you search for the word 'Religion' in dictionary. I'd like to accept Buddhism as a philosophy only. Whatever Buddha said or teaches us was only to tech us right way to live this piece of life . Later people started making a new religion . Buddha started walking whole northern India , he meet various talented people Yogi and Kings he learned various aspects of life from them . But still he was not completely enlighten , Finally, at a place called Bodhgaya, the future Buddha decided to remain in meditation until he knew mind’s true nature and could benefit all beings. After spending six days and nights cutting through mind’s most subtle obstacles, he reached enlightenment on the full moon morning of May, a week before he turned thirty-five. He taught constantly to people for living a better life . Buddha encouraged his students to question his teachings and confirm them through their own experience, many religious person will not allow you to ask question on their teachings , they have to believe what has been said or written by Scholars. This non-dogmatic attitude still characterises Buddhism today. All these works makes Budha a great person . He wins many many hearts by love and by providing a better way of life . Budha was a king he could have live his live in royal way , but he chosen to live with people who was suffering from various problems .
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