Life of poor in India |
Hello friends , I hope you all are very well .But there are many people in this world who are suffering from various issues , one of them is poverty . See everyone can not royal and beautiful life , but at-least every humans should get some basic things of life from our society .Let's take an example , have you seen people who are going by train in general class . Many time they stand on legs the same place for longer hours without any movements , even i have seen they stand with some luggage on their head . It will look very disturbing if you will analyse their pains . But still they are living . So my very simple question is, traffic police is charging if some one is going by auto Riksa with more than 3 people , traffic police is charging if some one is going by bike with more than 2 people .So why government is not able to understand if in one train more than capacity of people are going . I am not telling to give AC and other facility to poor people but at-least they should also be treated as humans . I have given a simple example how poor of country are suffering . Now let's talk about why many poor in India. There are many poor people who do not even make an attempt to work and stand on their own two feet. You see able, healthy and young people beg near stop lights and junctions even-though they are better off working for a living. Lack of will to take the responsibility and act on this. People of India are never take their vote seriously , people will give vote to even corrupt person , if they offer some food and little money . India is democratic country , but people here are very less aware of their democratic power . Most of India people do not like to indulge in politics , they usually say i do not like politics . Now here most notorious and goons kind of people are handling our country . Just think these people are going to decide how our society should be and what constitutional changes we need, they will control our IAS and IPS officers .so can you think , that they can give any better society ? No . Even they want to create a better country and a better society , but they can not be able ,because of the lack of knowledge power. So if any one who loves his or her country , than he must realise their responsibility towards nation . Become poor does not only one problem , there are many more problems like you will be alone , you will not have any friends , no one like to make a friendship with you , even your closes relatives will not be a relative for you .If you are going to make friends, other will think that you want money so you are doing so.They will go far to you.I always feel there should be strong government interfere in this , government should generate work for every poor person , that work should at-least pay them at least minimum amount so that they need not required to beg . There should be at least minimum training should be provided to all poor so that they can understand meaning of good life .
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