King Ashoka |
What ever i am writing here is taken from various sources , but on the basis of my study 80% things are correct .Most of things we know about Ashoka . As we are reading story since our childhood . So instead of focusing on same things ,i will talk little different . King ashoka was born at 304 B.C .Ashoka was the third ruler of the illustrious Maurya dynasty and was one of the most powerful kings of the Indian subcontinent in ancient times.His father and mother Bindusara and Devi Dharma . His Birth place was patliputra Now it is Patna. Let us undersyand why he was such powerful king . Before Ashoka most of the kings only protect their Kingdom from any external forces ,But he introduced the concept of a "WELFARE STATE" . Before this a king was responsible to protect people of their territory .But after this rule an Emperor has to ensure that the people are provided a free and fair environment for growth and prosperity. Ashoka ensure that the weaker sections of the society are also treated with dignity and respect. He reinforced the moral code of his subjects. He shunned violence for the sake of power and pride .According to Ashoka ,Dharma does not means any religion, it is a law which bound people to follow certain process so that system around us go smooth.People believe that after kalinga war Ashoka converted to Budhism but it is not true.It was a slower process by which he accepted Budhism .There was many religion at that time like Jainism ,Hinduism and many more but he chosen to Budhism why?
Actually Ashoka does not chose any , actually he was influenced with some of the principles of Budhism, because at that time there was no concept of Budhism or hinduism , there was only
Brāhmaņa or Śramaņa . No one in Ashoka's time would have said ‘I'm a Buddhist' or ‘I'm a Hindu' . After ruling over the Indian subcontinent for a period of around 40 years, the Great Emperor Asoka left 232 BC. After his death, his empire was not lasted for longer, it was around 50 years. Ashok Started spreading Budhism all around the world , he sended his son and daughter . Ashoka Eldest daughter Saṅghamittā ,Ashoka sent Sri Lanks , Initially Ashoka was not ready to send Saṅghamittā but Saṅghamittā insisted to go to Sri Lanka,and Ashoka allowed .
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