why we see dreams |
Before beginning to start my view on this topic , i would like to tell , this is my personal view and my own idea , it may not look great to you, but at the same time you are free to put your view on the issue . We debate further on issue. Most of the dreams over 90% is unfulfilled desire ,Because you do not have controls over desires , desires are playing with you, anything that you see, you desire to get that , you do not pursuit and do not give efforts for it but you wish to get it . Everything that you desire can not full filled , but if we truly desire for it we need to work for it. Actually once you desire something you are investing your energy in that direction . For examples , suppose you saw an famous actor, and now you want to become a actor like him . you saw a cricketer playing good cricket, many people are cheering for him , now you are again wishing to become a cricketer like him . So constantly your mind is going in many direction, it is not in one direction so mind is going into meaning less thoughts . Have you ever noticed, if you pay attention on certain direction at that time all these thoughts disappear from your mind ,because you have invested your mind in certain direction . So dream is happening simply because your mind is constantly scattered around with . all desires can not full fill so you are working extra time in night to full fill them in fantasy way .We do not have any 100% information of dream process ,all we are doing is our own predictions , but which looks logical we follow that only. There are many scientist are claiming that , when we sleep in night , basically, everything that stimulates our senses during the day (tastes, sounds, faces, etc) is stored in the left-hand side of the brain.When we go to sleep, than brain work on these data . Items which are already in the more permanent store on the right side (like a friend’s face) have the day’s memory added to them,In short ,Brain clear disc or transfer data from disk to main memory, so that tomorrow your brain have enough space , to hold new data in disk.Disk is the place where all calculaton , manipulations and everything which is happenings , so it needed to clean .So during this data transfer process some problems occurs and Dreams happens . But none of these things have proof .
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