why good people suffer |
Hello friends , today we are going to discuss why bad things happen to to good peoples .Let's understand a very basic things.Band things do not happen to any body , Things happen to people , when you do not like it you think it is bad .So different things happen to people . Suppose today is you wedding and every one is decorating everywhere, every place is looking very beautiful , you are very happy , suddenly very heavy rain started ,now you will think very bad thing is happening with you , but you need to understand, some one is there who is eagerly waiting for this rain, it may be farmers ,trees ,animals .So my point is , if you believe on god and you know everything which is happening in this world is happening because of god , so why you think something bad happening with you. And if you feel something bad is happening with you , it means you are disrespecting god.Now good people , First of all how we come to conclusion that we are good people ,simply we compare ourself with few people , he is not good ,she is not good , that person is not good and now i am good person than them. So simply, how you got this idea that you are very good, simply ,you labelled everyone as bad person. So more you feel you are a good person ,means you considering more people as bad.Ok , let me tell you one funny joke, One very good person was there ,he has never did any bad things in his life ,so when he died he went to heaven , in heaven few angels came to that person and open his account book. They started looking every did of this person, when person was alive. angels found he has not did nay bad things during his life time. angels were very confused , person asked why you all are very confused, angels replied, actually we have different different kind of accommodation system for stay, If any person has done one bad thing then accommodation is different for him. If any person has done 2 bad things then accommodation is different for him.If any person has done 3 bad things then accommodation is different for him. so the problem is, you have not done any bad things so we do not have any accommodation for you .Again angels said to person . Person was very sad , he was thinking I have done so many good things, today there is no accommodation for me in heaven.Suddenly one angel came to this person and said, we have one solution , we are giving you life for 3 hours , go to earth and do any bad thing, and we will offer you in best accommodation. He got his life . He sped 1 hours ,deciding what bad thing he should do. Suddenly he went to a temple and theft some money from temple, and went to his house . He thrugh that money on road, one very hungry begger found that money.Now this beggar bought some food and eat that food .And beggar said ,god bless to the person who throw this money.And you may already understand that he did good thing.