India to Construct 44 Strategic Roads Near China Border . |
India fought two important battle in 1954 and 1961 both were fought between India and Portugal. India successfully win both of these battles.After wining these fight India was able to get Dadra and Nagar Hweli in 1954 and Daman and Diu(Goa) in 1961.But after this India fought first full fledge battle with china in 1962 . China made a surprise attack on India and it was a very big loss of India . India lost this battle , few documents also show that India was thinking to shift it's Capital from Delhi to some other place if Chinese solders will enter into Indian territory . Since then India policy for border , specially Indian china border has changed.Since 1960 to 2007 India was not doing any rapid development in north east India , specially in Arunachal , Sikkim and in Uttarakhand area ,basically it was India defence strategy. According to "Institute of Defence Study and Analyses" it was not good to develop those area which are sharing their border with China . Reason was simply if there will not be any road and transportation system in these area China army can not be able to enter into Indian territory . So we were defensive since 1960 to 2007. Many country criticise this policy . There was a very big change came into this policy when Ajit Doval become "The National Security Adviser" of India in 2014 .He came with a new policy called as "Offensive Defensive" approach.According to this policy India will make bridge and road on India China border .And now we can see India is Deploying Air force on India and China borders . Recently India made the India's largest Rails Road bridge called Bogibeel bridge.Now according to CPWD document India will make 44 roads along the border of India and China , these roads will ensure quick movement of Indian troops from any part of India to China Border .This project will take around 21000 crore.Now many people will think why this huge investment on border , yes it is important because China has already deployed many dangerous weapons on China Inadia border . Many media sources in China are claiming that they have deployed some weapons in the range of 50 km of India china border .
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