India Pakistan Water Disputes |
Hello friends, today we are going to discuss India pakistan water desputes
. Many country of the worlds are facing water Scarcity problem , especially those which are developing. The effects of environmental degradation and poor management of available water resource have made water one of the scarcest resources in many poor economies. As a result, there is a struggle for this resource and this sometimes leads to conflicts. The India and Pakista water conflict is one of the example of it. Growing scarcity of water resources, increasing population and poor management of water resource in India and Pakistan has resulted in an increasing demand for water resources. The increasing scarcity of water leads to the desire for control of water resources, which in turn becomes a ground for breeding conflicts.In Karanchi women and child are walking many kilometres to get water .They are facing various type of problem each day .Basically Pakistan has never looked into these issue since starting Pakistan has only focused on weapons and nuclear .There was many conflict between India and Pakistan for water in past.So to solve issue a treaty was made in 1960 , called as The Indus Water Treaty .The Indus Waters Treaty is a water-distribution treaty between India and Pakistan, made by the World Bank to use the water available in the Indus System of Rivers located in India.The Indus Waters Treaty (IWT) was signed in Karachi on September 19, 1960 by the first Prime Minister of India Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru and then President of Pakistan Ayub Khan.Since the ratification of the treaty in 1960, India and Pakistan have not engaged in any water wars.Even , this water treaty is considered as most successful water treaty in the world .The most serious threat to the water agreement of late followed a terrorist attack on an Indian Army camp in September 2016, when PM Modi stated that “blood and water an can not flow together .Because there was treaty for terror attack ,which was broken by Pakistan many times , there was treaty for ceasefire violation which has been broken by Pakistan many times .So if Pakistan can broke so many treaty so why can't India break few treaty.The latest dispute is over hydroelectric projects India is building along the Chenab River that Pakistan says violate the treaty and will impact its water supply. Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan is sending inspectors to visit the site on January 27. If Modi is re-elected Water may be biggest tool for India to control Pakistan, said Ashok Swain, professor of peace and conflict research and the director of research at the School of International Water Cooperation at Uppsala University in Sweden.I think India should use water as tool to control terrorist activity of Pakistan
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