Universal Basic Income in India |
Hello friends , today we have a very great news ,India is planning to implement "Universal Basic Income" .Now let us first understand what is "Universal Basic Income" .We can see technology is growing and it will grow even more in coming future. With growth of technology automation also increase .Automation means there will be a machine which will replace human .For example Now a day every one is using Internet Banking, so less use of Banks with Branch . So it will reduce job opportunity .Another example now a days every one is booking online train and flight ticket ,eventually it will also reducing jobs openings .Another example, if a robot will be use as waiter in restaurants it will replace human.And in the same way many people will lose their jobs because of machine and automations.Now many people will say, no but technology will increase another job opportunity . Yes , technology will generate different kind of Job opportunity, but people who was working as waiter he can not start making robot ,waiter can not learn technology to create robot, he only knows serving food. All these discussions are going on in government .Government is thinking to apply "Universal Basic Income" policy.Now according to "Universal Basic Income" policy every citizen of country will get a fixed amount on periodic basis . "Universal Basic Income" which is also called UBI.In India first it is going to apply in Sikkim .Because Sikkim is small and have very small population . It will be like a Trial in Sikkim , if it will be successful in Sikkim ,it may be applicable in whole India.Now what are challenges in Applying UBI scheme in India? We know India has very big population. Almost 30 crore family . Suppose government is going to start pay even 1000 rupees to each family on monthly basis , now we can calculate how much total it is.So government can face various challenges , because already hundreds of government plans are going on like , Ujala Yojana, Bridha pension Yojna ,Child related schemes .So all what i am trying to say , government has already many plans , so first government need to stop all those plan and then Government can start UBI. Now we will think that India is poor country that's why we need this scheme?But it is totally incorrect . Many developed country has already implemented this scheme for example France , Finland , Germany, Bulgaria ,Belgium etc . All these country already know that what is going to happen in coming future, so they implemented .All these country were this project was implemented, the project was found to have significantly reduced child malnutrition and increased school attendance. It was visible that people life become far better them earlier
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