India Uzbekistan uranium deal |
hello friends, today we are going to discuss India Uzbekistan uranium deal .First question why this deal?Basically India is already buying uranium from country like Russia,Canada .But India is planing to buy ores of uranioum from Uzabekistan. Ore are cheaper , but it is not in usable format.So India is will extract uranium from it . As India have already two active plant which can easily extract uranium from ore imported from Uzbekistan, one plant is in Mysore and and other is in Mumbai. India has also few places where Uranium exists , like in Jharakhand Jaduguda mines and in Andhra Pradesh Tummalapalle mines .These mines are able to produce uranium , but ore found at very much depth ,so cost for extracting uranium from these places are more costly .So India made a deal with Uzbekistan , according to this deal India will import uranium from Uzbekistan . India given 200 million doller ,as line of credit , to Uzbekistan for housing and social development purpose in the form of loan ,Uzbekistan need to pay very little loan for this. Uzbekistan is one of the country from central Asia and it's capital is Tashkent . 31 August 1991 it declare as an Independent country from Soviet Union. Actually India is already too late for this deal ,China ,Japan , USA and China has already have made deal with Uzbekistan .Uranium used for Nuclear Power plants which produces high energy .Nuclear power is the fifth-largest source of electricity in India after coal, gas, hydroelectricity and wind power.Now question is why we need More uranium?Because with time we can see many rivers are getting drier .To produce small amount of energy we need very high amount of coal .But when we talk about Uranium ,a very small amount of Uranium can produce very high amount of energy .As of March 2018, India has 22 nuclear reactors in operation in 7 nuclear power plants, having a total installed capacity of 6,780 MW.Nuclear power produced a total of 35 T Wh and supplied 3.22% of Indian electricity in 2017.6 more reactors are under construction with a combined generation capacity of 4,300 MW.
If India want to become world big economy , India must and should use more and more nuclear power plant for energy production .
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